Media JACOB’S LADDERAn orthodox Anglican seeking to deepen the theology, discipleship, and evangelism of the laity. YouTube DOWN SOUTH SALVATION PODCASTA podcast chronicling one of our members’ explorations of faith, history, tradition, and future of the Western Church. YouTube ANGLICAN RENAISSANCEPreserving the legacy of classical Anglicanism in North America by returning to the culture, doctrine, and worship of the old English tradition. Visit RETURN OF THE EXILES: A HOW-TO GUIDE FOR RESTORING FAITHFULNESS TO MAINLINE CHURCHESBy the Rev’d Jake Dell Read Is “Reconquista” a Good Strategy for the Mainline Churches?By the Rev’d Jake Dell Read "Operation Reconquista"?By the Rev’d Jake Dell Read A CALL TO ARMS TO RESTORE TEC: THE MISSION OF THE EPISCOPAL FELLOWSHIP FOR RENEWALBy Wes Morgan Read Truthscript Tuesday: Is It Possible to Reform the Mainline Denominations?feat. the Rev’d Jake Dell